Original legal articles authored by our attorneys as well as excerpts of articles published by our attorneys in regional publications.
For Better or For Worse, In Sickness and In Health, Till Quarantine is Lifted…
At this point, I’ve been sent the same memes about divorce following COVID-19 many times over by friends, relatives, colleagues and even clients…
Legal and Constitutional Considerations in the Time of the Coronavirus Pandemic
While the government, state and federal, are instituting public health regulations, stay at home orders, and classifying essential and nonessential employment and medical procedures, we wonder and consider the authority to do so in light of civil and religious liberties.
Shelter in Place: Which Place?
This webinar will discuss legal issues impacted by COVID-19 including court changes and custody and visitation.
Co-Parenting During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Because of the coronavirus, many divorced couples are confronted with a new hurdle in family dynamics: how to maintain and support parenting schedules while following health and safety directives. Co-parenting presents challenges on a normal day, but this “new normal” needs a new script.
Love, Marriage, And Divorce
On Wednesday night here in the Five Towns there was an Orthodox Jewish singles extravaganza that featured some of the most noteworthy and proficient shadchanim who have demonstrated the aptitude to get things going for young men and women looking for a suitable match, marriage, and the ability to move on with life.
Before You Say ‘I Do’… Sign On The Dotted Line
A number of our Orthodox clients recently signed prenuptial agreements. What made it somewhat unusual was that each of the agreements contained different get provisions but all were designed for the same purpose.
Get Refusal: Terrorism By Any Other Name
In this country we are afforded a wide array of freedoms previously denied our ancestors, neighbors, and colleagues. While we may take it for granted, most of these freedoms were obtained through such measures as military action, widespread protest, substantial political maneuvering, legal action, and judicial intervention.
The Tenacity of Hope and Change: Lessons from Avraham Avinu
I fondly remember my third-grade teacher, Mrs. Abramovsky, at Yeshiva Dov Revel, having us memorize the first few verses of ParashatLechLecha…
The Agunah Crisis: What Is The Answer?
It continues to amaze me that not all couples are signing halachic prenuptial agreements to eliminate the issue of get-refusal, especially in light of the growing agunah crisis.
Piece for Peace: Limiting the Stress of Divorce
There is an old joke that we often tell that makes light of an attorney’s propensity to argue. When a lawyer has the law on her side she argues the law; when an attorney has the facts on his side, he argues the facts; and when an attorney has neither, he just argues.